Summer Bucket List 2019


Wow, I epically failed my spring bucket list. I barely did one of the items - and even then, only because of this list and without particular joy. In my meager defense it's been a busy spring, with an interstate move and reconnecting with all my Portland people. And actually, even with my bucket list languishing, taunting me from it's display on my blog, it was a fantastic season. Portland fills me with so much joy, since abandoning my car I've gotten outside to appreciate and relish spring more than in past years. The season has been lush and bright and happy.

Now that we're settled I am coming for you summer! We're gonna eat tacos. We're gonna do some hikes. We're gonna see friends, and go to concerts, and have barbecues, and drink on a rooftop, and fucking live it up. Watermelon. Every. Damn. Day.

--Go berry picking--

--Visit the Rose Garden--

--Go to a concert-- (I'm counting my surprise Opera show)

See an outdoor movie or Shakespeare in the Park

--Get a plant for our patio--

--Take a class-- (I learned how to repair a flat bike tire)

Book a trip to Colorado to see friends

Ok that's plenty given my track record so far this year has not been stellar. I'm also hoping to make it to a Timbers or Thorns game, go swimming, try some new foods, climb some tall things, and see plenty of my family and friends. What are your plans for the summer?