Reading Lately: February 2019


Oof. February was a literary slump. It felt like each book I picked up was worse than the last. I tried reading Lake Success, May the Best Man Win, Girls in White Dresses, and Walking to Listen before finally making it all the way through Laura and Emma (which was …

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Hawaii Vacation 2019


I scheduled a trip to Hawaii over my birthday, originally planned for February 12th-18th. After a wonderful but cold trip to Japan last year I knew I wanted to go somewhere warm during the worst part of winter, and Hawaii seemed as good a sunny destination as any. 2 weeks …

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Reading Lately: January 2019


I'm not sure how I read so many books this month - I guess this is what winter does to a person? As a card-carrying Summer Person I usually hate winter, but for some reason this year I haven't minded it as much. Maybe Seattle winters are more mild than Portland …

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Cloud Provisioning with Terraform and Bolt


NOTE: Since writing this, we've added inventory plugins to Bolt, which allow you to dynamically load inventory from sources like Terraform, PuppetDB, and Azure. I recommend checking out Tony Green's blog post about using the Terraform plugin.

Terraform is a cloud provisioning tool that's great at managing low-level infrastructure components …

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19 for 2019


Happy New Year! I usually hate new years: the 'happy' part of winter is over, and ahead of us is 3 months of cold wet dark miserable. But this year I'm excited to get back to work, and excited about the year that just ended and the year to come …

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Reading Lately: December 2018


Despite the cold, I love December. Or rather, I love Christmas season. The lights! The trees! The time with family! It feels like a time to pause, reflect on the year, absorb the beauty around us, and be with the people we love. Plus there's so much time for reading …

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Reflections on 2018


I keep waiting for life to settle down, for the days to feel long and the years to feel short, but just like 2016 and 2017 2018 felt momentous. My life now is so different than it was a year ago, both in the day-to-day and the memories I've collected …

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