Reading Lately: May 2019


We've officially moved to Portland! I couldn't be happier to be back in my hometown - I missed my family and friends, I missed going into the office, and I missed the city itself. Eli and I have had a great time rediscovering the city and our neighborhood - so far we've …

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Summer Bucket List 2019


Wow, I epically failed my spring bucket list. I barely did one of the items - and even then, only because of this list and without particular joy. In my meager defense it's been a busy spring, with an interstate move and reconnecting with all my Portland people. And actually, even …

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A Year in Seattle


One of the highlights of 2018 was moving to Seattle with my beloved, along with two close friends from college. This year has been exciting and lonely and fulfilling and new, and I learned a lot about myself. In the scheme of things this adventure is so small - a move …

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Reading Lately: April 2019


Wallflower at the Orgy

Nora Ephron

This was the first collection of Nora Ephron essays I read, and while it was fine it didn't live up to my expectations. My favorite movie while growing up was 'When Harry Met Sally', and as a young woman trying to understand my own …

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Promting for Sudo Password in Travis


"Lucy, why would you want to do this? ARE YOU OK?" It's true: making Travis print the sudo prompt and enter it's password is not a common use case. We were testing a new feature in Bolt which opens a subprocess on the local machine and runs a command as …

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Reading Lately: March 2019


The Tournament of Books happened this month, and while I knew I wouldn't get through all the books I did try for as many as I could that were available at the library. This resulted in a slow month with a lot of 'vegetable reads' - novels that I think are …

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Spring Bucket List 2019


Once again springtime finds me relocating to a new city, only this time it's also an old city. This bucket list is more of a 'things to do before we leave Seattle' list, but lucky for us Seattle has many wonderful offerings in the spring! A small part of me …

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